Posts tagged with: healthy eating

Winter Warm-Up Recipes

Just for the fun of it, here’s some easy, (sort of quick) recipes to warm things up as Winter starts to show itself. If you like these, let me know and I’ll turn it into a monthly series or something... Read More

Time for a Fall Reset

10 Tips to Help You Get Back on Track  As we say goodbye to Summer days and welcome the transition into Fall, there are so many things to look forward to – the crisp, clean air, the leaves changing colour,... Read More

Sensory Aids to Support Change

This little gnome was not purchased to be a garden delight, rather it was to help me break the habit of complaining about the dirty dishes. When we embark on some sort of change in our life, whether that be... Read More

Take a moment to think about movement

Take a moment to THINK about movement. What comes to mind? Did you picture the physical aspects – Walking, running, lifting, stretching, dancing? Did you think of the ways movement helps – strengthen muscles, lubricate joints, support range of motion?... Read More

The Basic Facts About Eating Well and Using Supplements Properly

Despite the vast amount of existing diet information, many people still wonder what “healthy” eating is and how to make sure they are doing it properly. Much of the information out there is controversial and is usually serving the purpose... Read More